Wanna go on an epic roadtrip?
The dream has always been to take a trip around the states--literally circling the edges and hitting all the most amazing spots! I've mentioned this dream before but it's always remained just that...a dream. One day after work, my husband Chris asked the question, "Do we wanna keep saving and go on an epic roadtrip around the U.S instead of moving just to move?"
My heart literally lit up with excitement and awe from the slight possibility he was even remotely serious."Um, YES! I think that is an amazing idea!!"
Hiking Almaden Quicksilver Park, CA
Of course shortly after this blip of excitement, reality set in and we questioned whether or not we would be able to pull a trip like this off.
Chris and I live at home with my mom. We don't pay rent. No kids (yet). No morgage. Minimal Debt (reasonably). We're both in our late 20s. WHEN WILL THERE EVER BE A BETTER TIME THAN NOW??? We can totally do this.
The plan was formed one evening at Starbucks. We researched routes other people have taken, cost of fuel, figured out our budget, selected the places we wanted to see, mapped our route on Google Maps, and decided we would use Chris' Toyota Tacoma since it has the least amount of miles on it and we could save money by sleeping in it.
Chris' Tacoma after we added a bunch of modifications I'll go into later :)
We decided we needed to have 3 months bills paid in order to make sure we had enough time to really enjoy the trip since just driving the whole thing came out to 851 hours. And of course quit our cushy Bay Area jobs.
Our goal is to see the US of course, but most importantly find a place that we may want to live and have a family since California has become uninhabitable for hardworking middle class Americans born and raised in the state. :)
Patong Beach, Patong Thailand (on our honeymoon!)
We welcome you on our journey to finding our home, finding ourselves, growing closer as a couple, and to having the time of our lives all at the same time.