New York: Albany
We checked out at 10:30am from Motel 6 and headed out to Starbucks. Side note: We rely on our GPS for everything and we've been really happy with it. However, on thing I wish it would do is tell us when a Starbucks is a stand-alone-store or inside a grocery store etc. It would just be nice to know what kind of experience we will have before we experience it. The one it took us to this morning was in a mall!
*Short story below that has nothing to do with Albany*
It was fine though--we met a kid named Shaun who was saving money to move out to Redondo beach with his girlfriend. He had recently been signed to a record label that he will be working with to record his EP. It was really awesome to see young kids still going after their dreams! Man that makes me feel old saying that. *queue granny voice* Youngin's these days don't know what they're gettin' into! Bless their little hearts *end granny voice*
Now that we're caffeinated again, we began our journey to Albany NY! Remember when I mentioned the crazy tolls? Yeah well we paid $12.85 for ONE toll going from Buffalo to Albany. Crazy! I cannot fathom how they get away with this madness.
Since there really was nothing we planned to do in Albany, we decided we needed to at least try and get some pizza. Sovanas was rated pretty high for decent authentic NY pizza.
We got two slices for $5! The only downfall about the place was it was in a really sketch neighborhood---we were literally watching our car out the window while stuffing our faces as fast as we could. We parked right outside and we put the steering wheel lock on and took the radio and gps with us. 😂
Many of the buildings we saw driving into Albany were quite old and mostly made from brick. Nothing we haven't seen already in the multiple other cities we've been to. However one thing that always changes state to state is the trees. Trees are different in literally every state we have visited. They are getting much thinner, more sparse, and come in all shades of green.
Since Albany is the capital of NY we had to at least see some old important buildings and statues. We parked further out of the ghetto over by the empire plaza and walked around taking pics of the buildings and the egg. Super cool.
Visiting Albany definitely didn't feel like we were in New York. Well considering I've only been to NYC, I guess that's not really a fair analysis. It was obviously not as hectic and had a lot less cars on the road and people walking around. Although we keep forgetting that people have jobs and that's most likely the reason why the places we visit on weekdays are so quiet. Nevertheless, we were glad to get out of the car, walk around a bit and eat some authentic NY pizza! Next stop Vermont.