Vermont & New Hampshire: Part 2
Last night one of the cooks from the diner who was chatting with us at the tavern mentioned a great place we could go for breakfast. "The Fort" it was 7 miles away in New Hampshire so weird to say we went to another state for breakfast.
It was in a little truck stop tucked away. Clearly a local joint because it was packed! They are known for their corned beef hash but we just had an appetite for eggs and toast. Even the most basic breakfast was great! (and cheap!)
After breakfast we went back to Vermont to the same village we stayed in to get some maple syrup and cheese. Apparently they are known for those two things here.
We got to sample all the cheese and maple syrup (all different flavors from local companies) we wanted from the mildest of mild to the sharpest of sharp that makes your mouth salivate and your nose scrunch up at first taste. We bought our favorite of the sharp cheddar cheeses and the most locally made syrup we could find. Gotta support the little man! We shipped both home to mom after we left so that they didn't get spoiled in the heat of the south.
Quechee village had lots of stores attached to each other which made it easy to wander from store to store. Right next to where we got our cheese was an antique shop that seemed to go on for miles! Literally anything you could think of from so many different eras: a vintage collectors dream!
Upstairs they had a toy museum that featured toys from the early 1900's to the mid 2000's. Talk about a walk down memory lane!
We met some nice people in the stores but also in the parking lot. A couple from Massachusetts stopped by to chat with us while we were packing stuff away in our truck. They were so sweet and were really excited about what we were doing. We were excited to hear that they would also be traveling soon :) We wish everyone would take the time to travel!
Next we went to find the Quechee Gorge. The park to the gorge was closed until the first week of May but we still walked into the campground to try and find a good view point.
A lot of state parks don't open until May (It was April 30th so we weren't that far off). When we couldn't find it through the campground, we went to grab coffee and a bite to eat across from the Gorge visitor's center.
We walked into the visitor's center after we ate and were told exactly how to find the Gorge.
It started to rain on us so we got in our car to head out to Portland Maine! 2.5 hours away.