Portland/Beaverton: Oregon
Woke starving and went on the hunt for an excellent breakfast spot. We ended up at Pine State Biscuits that were to die for and certainly did not disappoint.
Major difference from everywhere we’d been that we noticed about Portland: No one wears bras. Lots of young families and people with dreads.
We couldn’t wait any longer to visit our friends in Beaverton! We wanted to take it easy and just chill so we got beers and pizza and hung out. Relaxed night :)
Love this little munchkin!
The next day Chris and I wanted to explore the city more! We went to breakfast at a Diner in town before going to Powells books.
Ever since Wyoming Chris had been craving the same pancake with eggs and bacon on top. They were so nice to accommodate him :)
Fun Fact: I can’t go out to breakfast anywhere that has Eggs Benedict on the menu and not order it. Always makes me happy :)
Powells books was absolutely amazing. Almost got lost in there a few times! Luckily everywhere in there is color coded so it wasn’t so hard to navigate.
Then we went to try and find a weed store and ended up stopping at a skate shop where Chris was able to make his dream board. He skated growing up and has always wanted to have a great board again like he did when he was a kid. It’s the little things :)
We were getting pretty hungry so we decided to get some good “street food” on 5th st. I got a burrito and Chris got Thai.
Walking around, we stumbled on a super cool looking arcade so we had to stop in and check it out.
After lunch, we went across the bridge to Hawthorne St to check out the vintage shops. One thing Portland doesn’t have a shortage of is second hand stores.
Anyone that knows me knows I’m obsessed with finding good deals in “junk stores” as my grandma would call them.
Later, we went back to the house and the girls and I went to a garage sale warehouse for more vintage shopping :) I did find a super cute ceramic owl that I now put our toothbrushes in :)
The next day we woke up and went to Elmers for breakfast.
After breakfast we went back to Hawthorne St. to look for more vintage stuff. Sounds like some sort of obsession with old junk. We stopped for beers and donuts in between shops which made the hubbster happy.
You know I had to get the one with maple and bacon on it. Man Blue Star TRULY IS as good as people say they are.
The next day we ordered in “Biscuits Cafe” for breakfast and we prepared to go into the mountains an hour outside Beaverton to explore the Wilson river. It was a trek through the jungle but we did it! I jumped off a rock for the first time and it was awesome.
A little tired from our adventure, we stopped for dinner at “Little Big Burger” and “Baskin Robbins” ice cream for dessert. Man we’ve been eating a LOT. Not even mad about it.
These are the faces of two kids that never tire of good burgers.
The next morning, the roommate made us pancakes for breakfast before we said “see ya later” to our pals and headed back on the road again. Until next time Portlandia!